
2ème édition de la Série de Conférences-Débats 2023 de l’AGL: Le monde de l'emploi. Les enjeux et les opportunités.
on Apr 27 2023
2ème édition de la Série de Conférences-Débats 2023


L'AGL vous invite à la 2ème édition de la Série de Conférences-Débats 2023 qu'elle organise:

Le monde de l'emploi. Les enjeux et les opportunités.

Le jeudi 27 avril 2023 à 17h30

Lieu : Amphithéâtre du Grand Lycée Franco-Libanais Beyrouth
Le parking est assuré, entrée portail sud.
La conférence-débat sera suivie d’un apéro/networking.
La retransmission en ligne de la conférence sera disponible.

Une table ronde regroupera les intervenants suivants:

Roula Karam

Roula Karam

promo 1989
Regional HR Director
Merit Group (CMA CGM Group)

Roula Karam has over 20 years of managerial experience within the HR field in different sectors and industries, such as pharmaceutical, insurance, luxury retail and shipping & logistics.
She currently holds the position of Regional Human Resource Director of Merit Group entities in Lebanon and the Levant region, a leading company considered among the top employers in Lebanon, with around 2,000 employees, working in shipping, logistics, digital solutions, shared service centers, ports management and FMCG.
Throughout her experience, Roula managed Human Resources departments in times of exponential growth and organizational transformation. Amidst the latest economic recession Lebanon has gone through, she made sure to turn it into a chance for expansion and growth, as she always believed that “In the midst of every crisis lies great opportunity.”
Roula is certified in Human Resource Management from the American University of Beirut and was graduated from Saint Joseph university of Beirut in Sociology and Public Relations.
She is a proud mother of 2 sons, Alexandre and Christophe, pursuing their education respectively in medical and engineering schools. She is motivated by helping and coaching young generations chase their dreams, be the best versions of themselves and have exciting career experiences like she had.
The core values that guide her throughout her career in HR are Fairness, Commitment, Respect and Care and her motto in life that always keeps her going is “Maintain a positive attitude even in the most difficult times - there’s always a way”.

Nada Genadry

Nada Genadry

Chief HR Officer
Siren Associates & Siren Analytics

Nada Genadry is a seasoned Human Resources professional. She is presently the Chief HR Officer of Siren Associates & Siren Analytics in the consultancy and technology fields. Prior to that, she has held several HR executive roles in various industries, at the national and regional levels, with LibanPost, Debbane Group and Hotel-Dieu de France.
Before her come back to Lebanon, Nada has studied, lived and worked in Canada and France. For several years, she undertook innovative applied research in Organizational Behavior with the INSEAD Business School (France). She also held R&D engineering roles with Bell Northern Research (Canada) and with the Centre National d’Etudes en Télécom – CNET (France).
Nada has taught HR at the Master’s level and facilitated several conferences and workshops. She has co-written HR articles and chapters, published in international magazines and books. She holds a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree (with distinction) in Electrical Engineering from McGill University (Canada), a DESS in HR from USJ, a Mediation Diploma from USJ, as well as a Coaching Diploma from the Coaches Training Institute (Dubai).

Youssef Naaman

Youssef Naaman

Chief Executive Officer
Publicis Communications Levant

Youssef is a passionate marketing and communication expert, with 30 years of experience leading global and regional operations. He is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Publicis Communications for Levant creative agencies and is leading the Procter & Gamble account (P&G) for the Middle East, Africa (MEA) and international markets, covering a multitude of brand categories and marketing services.

Youssef started his career at Leo Burnett on Procter & Gamble (P&G) in 1993. Throughout his journey, Youssef has championed global and regional P&G brands across different categories, achieving international marketing success: Youssef assumed different leadership responsibilities: He was the Deputy Managing Director of Leo Burnett in KSA, Jeddah from 2001 to 2004. He was the Camay Beauty Care Global Brand Leader from 2006 to 2017 and P&G CEEMEA Regional Operation Director from 2007 to 2014. He developed key integrated marketing services for P&G and beyond in the MENA region, more specifically Retail Marketing (ARC), Public Relations, Luxury consultancy (Atelier) and digital services.

Under his leadership, Leo Burnett Beirut has been a key Global hub for P&G since 2004, winning creative accolades and global business building awards. Today, it is considered to be one of the six key global hubs for P&G and the Groupe, acting as a global Center of Excellence for marketing and communication practices as well as creative innovation. Leo Burnett Beirut being one of the most globally awarded creative agencies. Youssef has experience in different categories spanning from FMCGs, retail, corporate, entertainment and luxury.

Youssef is an active supporter of young entrepreneurs offering consultancy and mentorship in the area of marketing, strategy and business development. He is a founding and executive board member of ALDIC, a Lebanese NGO, aiming to promote tax ethics and compliance by informing citizens of their rights and obligations. He is also a board member of ECOSERV, an NGO promoting positive environmental practices by recycling electronic waste.

Youssef is married to Monique and is the proud father of Maria, Norah, William and Gianna.

et comme modératrice:

Muriel Garaud

Muriel Garaud

Consultante en Organisation et en Ressources Humaines

Muriel Garaud is a seasoned international HR professional with 20+ years of HR experience focused on Organization, Talent Management and People development. She is passionate about supporting businesses and people looking to the future and acting as a catalyst for change.
She is currently an independent Consultant focused on People, Organization and Capabilities development. Her areas of expertise include HR strategy, leadership coaching, talent management, organizational design, and change management.
She is also a teacher and a lecturer with ESA business school on topics about building winning resumes, hybrid working and human resources.
Prior to her consulting practice, she gained in depth HR experience in various roles leading different functions and projects in innovative industries in technology, consumer, fintech, pharmaceuticals sectors working for regional and multinational companies such as Murex, Microsoft, France Telecom / Orange (Lebanon), Johnson and Johnson, Eli Lilly, and Debbas in multi-countries environments, matrix organizations and covering various geographies (Levant, Maghreb, Sub Saharan Africa, the Gulf, the United States and France).
Muriel holds multiple certifications (MBTI, Targeted Selection Administrator, 360 degrees…), a bachelor’s degree in industrial psychology from Université Saint Joseph and an executive MBA from ESA-ESCP.


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